We're sorry. This study is closed and no longer recruiting participants.
Have you been diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)? You may be able to participate in a study to try to make life with IBS more comfortable! This study includes 3 sessions and involves completing a 14-day stress-reduction program on your smartphone at home and will track your IBS symptoms. Compensation is provided.
IRB: STUDY2021_00000003
- Smartphone Training for Attention Regulation for Irritable Bowel SyndromeMEET THE RESEARCHER
J. David Creswell
J. David Creswell, PhD, is an associate professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Creswell’s research focuses broadly on understanding what makes people resilient under stress. Specifically, he conducts community intervention studies to understand how various stress management strategies alter coping and stress resilience.