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Do you have moderate to severe asthma? Are you at least 18 years old? You may be eligible for a research study looking at mucus accumulation and obstruction in the airways of moderate to severe asthmatics. Compensation is provided.


In this research study we want to learn more about mucus and how it blocks the airways of some asthma patients. We also want to see if taking a medication called dupilumab, also known as Dupixent, will help to lessen mucus and improve asthma symptoms compared to participants who do not take dupilumab. 


Eligible participants:

  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Have moderate to severe asthma 
  • Use a daily maintenance inhaler (Advair, Flovent, Breo, etc.)
  • Do not smoke and have not smoked in the past year 


Participation will include 6 in-person visits and 2 phone calls. The visits will take between 2 and 5 hours. You will be assigned by chance to receive either dupilumab or placebo (a substance that does not contain any active medication). You will have a 50% chance of receiving active study medication. You will not know which group you are assigned to. The study medication is given by subcutaneous injection (injection under the skin). 

Other study procedures include physical exams, questionnaires, breathing tests, blood work, 3 sputum inductions, 2 CT scans (computerized tomography scan), and 2 mucociliary clearance scans (MCC scan). 

IRB: STUDY20020131
- A randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group study designed to assess the change in mucociliary clearance after 12 weeks of treatment with dupilumab in patients with moderate to severe asthma

PHONE NUMBER: 1-866-438-8230
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Visit https://pittplusme.org/study/2509 and click on "I'm Interested" or call 1-866-438-8230.




Sally Wenzel

Dr. Sally Wenzel completed her MD degree at the University of Florida and spent 19 years at National Jewish and the University of Colorado before moving to the University of Pittsburgh. She received numerous awards from the American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society. She is currently Director of the University of Pittsburgh Asthma and Environmental Lung Health Institute at UPMC, and Chair for the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, at the School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Wenzel has a passion for improving the understanding of the prevention and treatment of asthma, in particular severe asthma, where both genetic and environmental factors are likely to be playing a role. She has performed research bronchoscopies on hundreds of asthma patients, studies critical to identifying the heterogeneity of asthma, including the influence of T2, T1 and innate immunity. Her current bench-lab interests include the role of epithelial cells in the modulation of redox balance, inflammation, mucus production and clearance in the airways. She now chairs the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of Pittsburgh, where she is leading efforts to address the effects of the environment and its various pollutants to impact oxidative stress in airway epithelial cells of asthmatic patients. She has authored more than 350 publications and is the recipient of numerous awards including the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Presidential Award in 2017, the American Thoracic Society (ATS) Foundation Breathing for Life 2016 Award, and the ATS Amberson Lecture in 2021 for her career work in all aspects of asthma. As Chair of Environmental and Occupational Health, she is dedicated to improving the air and water quality of our region and its disproportionate impact on the health of people of color.