Are you a heterosexual cisgender (that is, not transgender) individual age 18-30? Have you experienced suicidal thoughts in the past 6 months? You may be able to participate in a study of emotions and experiences in young adults. Eligible participants must have a close friend who would be willing to participate in two brief lab visits. Compensation is provided.
IRB: STUDY20100183B
- DYADS: Digital Assessment of Young Adults & Detection of SuicidalityMEET THE RESEARCHER
Erika Forbes
Erika E. Forbes, PhD, is associate professor of psychiatry, psychology, and pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Forbes is a specialist in the field of depression, especially regarding reward-related brain functioning in adolescents. Her research has been published in a number of leading publications. She has received awards and honors from the University of Pittsburgh, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, and the National Institute of Health.