Are you 18-65 years of age? Have you been diagnosed with glaucoma or suspected glaucoma? If so, you may be able to take part in a research study to test a new imaging technology. Compensation provided.
IRB: STUDY20040340C
- Adaptive Optics OphthalmoscopyMEET THE RESEARCHER
Ethan Rossi
Ethan A. Rossi, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Dr. Rossi's lab uses advanced ophthalmic imaging techniques to study the normal and diseased retina at the level of single cells in the living human eye. Research interests include adaptive optics, fluorescence imaging, advanced detection methods, image processing, eye tracking, psychophysics and visual performance.
Valerie Snyder
Having joined Rossi Lab in the summer of 2017, Valerie Snyder is the Imaging Specialist and Clinical Coordinator. She comes to the University of Pittsburgh with 8 years of ophthalmic imaging experience, with a primary focus in Retinal Diseases. Valerie holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Photographic Communications from Rochester Institute of Technology.