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Are you 18-45 years old and have you been newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (first insulin dose within 100 days)? You may be able to participate in a study to find out if an investigational drug called ladarixin is safe and effective and if it is capable of slowing down the progression of type 1 diabetes. Study participation involves about 12 visits, up to 2 years. Compensation is provided.
IRB: SSU00149500
- Dompe farmaceutici S.p.A. - LDX0319, A phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the efficacy and safety of 400 mg twice a day oral ladarixin in patients with newonset type 1 diabetes and a low residual β-cell function at baseline. (Pro00048708)MEET THE RESEARCHER
Frederico Toledo
Frederico G. S. Toledo, MD, is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. He is also Director of Clinical Research for the Center for Metabolism and Mitochondrial Medicine. Dr. Toledo is an expert on diabetes and his research interests focus on the causes of diabetes in humans and the development of new treatment solutions.