Were you first diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as an adult (age 18 or older)? Are you currently prescribed ADHD medication? Are you 18-22 years old? You may be able to participate in a study to learn more about the timing of receiving a diagnosis of, and treatment for, ADHD. Participation involves completing 3 online surveys over 3 years. Compensation is provided.
IRB: STUDY20020134A
- A prospective examination of stimulant diversion and related risk factors for young adults with childhood- or adult-diagnosed ADHDMEET THE RESEARCHER
Brooke Molina
Brooke Molina, PhD, is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and serves as director of the Youth and Family Research Program. A nationally renowned researcher, Dr. Molina specializes in studying issues relevant to youths and young adults, such as alcoholism and drug abuse. She is also an expert on ADHD, and has conducted a number of federally supported studies to better understand its long-term effects.