Kid-Covid Study - Parent of a child 12-17 years old
Are you the parent of a child 12-17 years old? Your child may be eligible to participate in a research study looking at the impact of COVID-19 on mood and behaviors in adolescents. Compensation is provided.
This study is being conducted to learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on mental health, inflammation, and brain function in adolescents. Studies suggest that adolescents have an increased risk for mental health issues and cognitive impairment after having COVID-19. Our goal is to examine adolescents with and without a history of COVID-19 infection to understand the impact of COVID-19 on adolescent mental health and brain function.
Parent of a child:
- Age 12-17
- Not currently pregnant
- No chronic illness or chronic infections
- No diagnosis of psychiatric illness
You and your child will complete 4 study visits.
During the first 3 study visits child participants will complete:
1. Questionnaires about mood, feelings, and behaviors over a survey-link and a 2-hour virtual interview.
2. Computer tasks that measure attention, thinking and memory (~50 minutes).
3. In--person visits where they will provide blood, hair, saliva, and nasal swab samples. Participants will also have their weight/height, waist and hip circumference measured.
During these study visits, you will be asked questions about your socioeconomic status, your and the other parent’s psychiatric history, and your child’s mood, feelings and behaviors over a survey-link and virtual interview.
IRB: STUDY23050010D
- COVID-19, Inflammation and HPA axis activity, and Risk for Psychopathology in YouthMEET THE RESEARCHER

Nadine Melhem
Nadine M. Melhem, PhD, MPH, is associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Trained in psychiatric genetic epidemiology, Dr. Melhem has a long history of working in research and a special interest in studying the impacts of stress and trauma on children and families.