If you had bariatric (weight loss) surgery one year ago and are age 18-60, you may be able to take part in a research study. Researchers want to develop better post-surgery programs that help people improve or maintain weight loss after bariatric surgery. Compensation provided.
The number of adults who are overweight and obese in the United States has been increasing at a rapid rate. Excess body weight is linked to the development of a number of health problems including heart disease, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. While bariatric (weight loss) surgery is a well-established and effective course of treatment for people who are overweight, better post-surgery strategies are needed to help improve or maintain weight loss. The purpose of this study is to help researchers find out if using a technology-based intervention that includes a wearable activity monitor and online tools will improve long-term weight loss, physical activity, and health outcomes in participants.COULD THIS STUDY BE RIGHT FOR YOU?
- 18-60 years old
- Had bariatric surgery 1 year ago
- No physical limitations that prevent you from engaging in physical activity
- Not pregnant now, or within past 6 months
- Have a smartphone
- Have access to computer (with ability to download software), internet, and email
- Not relocating outside of Pittsburgh area in next 6 months
Total study participation lasts up to 6 months. Participants will attend an initial screening visit lasting about 1 hour, and a baseline research study lasting about 2 hours at the Physical Weight Management Research Center (Oakland). After this visit, participants will be randomly assigned (like the flip of a coin) to one of two interventions.- The first group will receive the typical care, which includes attending standard appointments and following guidelines provided by your bariatric surgeon, with no additional intervention.
- The second group will receive typical care, but will also be provided with the technology-based intervention (wearable activity monitor, online tools, digital scale). This group will also receive telephone calls from a study coach. Participants will be asked to return for assessments at 3 and 6 months. At each assessment, participants will receive feedback.
IRB: PRO14060446
- Effect of a Technology-Based Intervention on Weight Change Post-Bariatric SurgeryMEET THE RESEARCHER
Renee Rogers
Renee J. Rogers, PhD, is an Assistant Professor from the Department of Health and Physical Activity at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Rogers holds a doctorate in exercise physiology, and is a highly respected researcher and educator. A research faculty member of Pitt’s Physical Activity and Weight Management Research Center, and director of the Moving Health with Media Core, Dr. Rogers specializes in studying technology-based interventions for weight management and physical activity engagement.